2020 Tintinara Sale Topper

2020 On Property Sale, Tintinara
2020 Tintinara sale topper, sold to G & J Murdoch (North Cowie), Warooka for $10,000.


2017 Tintinara Sale Topped

2017 On Property Sale, Tintinara
2017 Tintinara sale topper, sold to J & J Keller Holdings, Tintinara for $8,400.


Rices Creek Merino Ram Sale - Sale Topper Mid North 2017

2017 On Property Sale, Mid North
Sale topper - purchased by Peter Glynn ‘Glynnard’ Rhynie for $5,200.


2016 Tintinara Top Price Rices Creek Ram

2016 On Property Sale, Tintinara -
Ryan and Mark Vandeleur, Rices Creek Tintinara with Spence Dix & Co auctioneer Luke Schreiber and buyers of the $5200 top-priced ram Peter and Shevahn Glynn, Glynnard Props, Riverton.


2016 Mid North Sale Topper

2016 Mid North Sale, Springbank - 
The four Vandeleur brothers with Quality Livestock's Simon Seppelt, buyer Stace Bradtke, Bradfield Stud, Mannanarie and Landmark stud stock's Leo Redden, with the $5000 top price ram. The ram was a 121 kg and sire was Moorundie Park 306 ‘Kelvinator’.

Ram Sales


South East On-Property Ram Sale

Thursday 1st August 2024
Tintinara - On property 'Kamann' (Dukes Highway 8km south of Tintinara)
Auction 1.30pm

>> Download 2024 Sale Catalogue (.pdf)

>> Download 2024 Sale Catalogue (.xls)


Mid North On-Property Ram Sale

Tuesday 27th August 2024
Saddleworth - On property - 'Springbank' (North West of Saddleworth off Vandeleur Road)
Auction 1.30pm



Adelaide Ram Sale - Royal Adelaide Show

Friday 6th September 2024




South East On-Property Sale (Tintinata) - August 2020
The 12th annual Rices Creek on-property sale at Tintinara on August 6th achieved a top of $10,000, and an average of $2608.


South East On-Property Sale (Tintinara) - August 2019
The 11th annual Rices Creek on-property sale at Tintinara achieved a top of $8,000, and an average of $2770.


South East On-Property Sale (Tintinara) - August  2017
The 9th annual Rices Creek on-property sale at Tintinara on August 3rd achieved a top of $8400, and an average of $2132.

Mid-North On-Property Sale (Saddleworth) - August 2016
The 4th annual on-property sale achieved total clearance of the 130 offered. The sale achieved an average of $2235 with top of $5200.


South East On-Property Sale (Tintinara) - August  2016
The 8th annual Rices Creek on-property sale at Tintinara on August 4th achieved a top of $5200, and an average of $1713.

Mid-North On-Property Sale (Saddleworth) - August 2016
The Vandeleur Family held its 3rd annual on-property sale at Saddleworth in August. The sale averaged $2074, with a top of $5000.